The Masters in Arts UFC | ICA is structured upon a Focus Area, which contemplates two Research Lines.
Poetics of the creation and thinking in arts
Art seen as a way of producing knowledge through its diverse contributions towards the complex social and historical context of contemporary aesthetic invention. It is dedicated to stimulating artistic creation and artistic thought regarding the changes in the way of knowing and relating to art today. It also considers questions related to traditional means of expression, the increasing hybridization of the genres and the complexification and transdisciplinarization of the ways and procedures of creation and research in Arts.
Due exactly to this, the Stricto Sensu Graduate Course (Masters) in Arts is not based upon a clear division between artistic genres or upon the different ways of formalization of the poetic speech, whether or not it has been separated into more specific categories, such as “cinema”, “video”, “dance”, “theater”, “music” etc. The program concentrates on the establishment of a plan consisting of critical and creative standpoints in which are as well admitted the unsuspected becomings of art as an expression of its potential for heterogeneity. Art thought as a producer of ways of experiencing reality, in its political, affective and epistemological strength.
1. Art and Reflection: Of the works and their interlocutions
What does a work of art create? How does it affect and let itself be affected? How does it create and manage theories, movements, thinking? These questions direct the research line, uniting projects related to visuality, performativity, body, text, sound, as well as technical mediations, highlighting the contemporary multiplicity in the production of thinking in/of the Arts. Starting with the dissolution of the traditional boundaries between three fields of knowledge – aesthetics, critical analysis and theory – the projects in this line will study, in various ways, the formulation of an aesthetic and critical reflection in Arts. Presentations in a non-written format (e.g. videos, installations, photo shoots, performances, artist’s journals) are accepted and welcome, as long as they attend to the objectives listed in the research project.
2. Art and Creative Process: Contemporary Poetics
Artistic creation as research and production of knowledge. The process of artistic creation, understanding the work of art as process and process as the work of art, in all of its dynamics and complexity, directs the reflections of this research line. Targets the assembly of artistic projects related to visuality, performativity, body, text, sound, as well as technical mediations that necessarily present a suggestion of creation that could yield to the production of a work of art as well as a critical analysis of their creative process.